Box Office:

Mon to Fri 11AM – 2PM




Community Players of Streator, Inc evolved from a small group of people who “simply wanted to put on a play”, according to Donna Peterson.

In 1958, Mrs. Peterson, a drama instructor at Streator Township High School, heard that a local man share that dream of hers to establish a community

theatre in Streator. Kes Pollack was program director for WIZZ radio and the two met in the lobby of the radio station to discuss plans and ideas.

The project quickly began to turn into an exciting reality as the two contacted others who shared their interest in the theatre.


Through the eagerness of many volunteers, the space formerly occupied by a warehouse, became Engle Lane Theatre. Because of Mrs. Constance

Engle’s generosity in 1960, this simple warehouse was donated to Community Players, Inc. and since has been converted into a confortable,

well-equipped 224 seat theatre.


Mrs. Peterson and Mr. Pollack first contacted Dr. William C. Schiffbauer, who ultimately became a driving force for Engle Lane Theatre. his background

in musical theatre performance and strong support of local offerings made him a prime candidate for the group. He became president of

Community Players, Inc. and held that position until his death in 1987. His guidance and enthusiasm helped put Engle Lane on the map in

community theatre. The theatre now stands as a living tribute to Dr. Schiffbauer when in 1989 the board of directors initiated the theatre name of

“The William C. Schiffbauer Center for the Performing Arts at Engle Lane”.


Thousands of people have also contributed to Engle Lane’s success over the years. From designers of sets, costumes, makeup, and lighting, to

the crews that have served behind the curtain, to board members, directors, staff, and performers; all have given themselves unconditionally

to this cause of putting on a play. People who have walked across the stage are now doctors, lawyers, and professional people. Many

children in 1960 can now recall their stage debut to this theatre, and while the list is endless, one thing ties it all together. Once inside the

doors of Engle Lane, everyone is part of a team with the shared goal of doing their very best. While they work diligently, they receive no

monetary compensation. Their reward comes in the form of applause; making the dance steps, memorization of lines and hours of preparation

all worth it.


The success of Engle Lane is due to many factors, among them a very important audience. People have financially support the theatre and have

been faithful in attendance. These people have given many dollars to the theatre as well as a distinguished group whose donations helped pay

off the mortgage in 1988.


From the very first production of “Harvey” to the shows of today, one thing remains the same…the devotion and love of the theatre we all share.





I have an incurable disease…It’s called The Theatre

It’s symptoms are a pounding heart, cold sweaty palms,

trembling of the knees, an occasional loss of memory and

the craving to spend large amounts of time

with others similarly afflicted.

There is no known cure, but there is therapy available

in the form of much exposure to bright lights, grease applied

to the face, and applause

Contracting this disease is not cause for alarm. It is not fatal

It can, as a matter of fact, produce numerous

very pleasant side effects.

The very worst that can happen is to suffer a

slight swelling of the head.

Written by Donna Peterson, 1982




Engle Lane Theatre as a facility has evolved over the years to what is now a 16,495sqft, fully equipped Theatre.




President: Kathy Missel                    Vice President: Tracy Ritko

Secretary: Kim Freeman                   Business Manager: Kathy Hepner

Sarah Breyne               Dylan Conmy               Joe Ennenbach

Samantha Farb             E.J. Flanigan                Nik Frig

Lisa Gifford                 Laura Guerrero            Cheyanne Kreush

Doug Murray               Wyatt Onsen               Marlee Reel

Jack Schuler                 Brian Steep

The Wedding Singer

The Musical

May 18, 20-23, 2025

These Shining Lives


June 15, 17-20, 2025

Music Man Jr.

A Youth Musical

July 13, 15-18, 2025


The Broadway Musical

August 10, 12-15, 2025

Moon Over Buffalo

Comedy by Ken Ludwig

September 7, 9-12, 2025

Mystic Pizza


October 5, 7-10, 2025